by which i don't mean 'nice neck, mind if i dive in?'
but rather, i've always loved Christopher Lee, Peter Cushing, Vincent Price stuff.
And I have all of Buffy the Vampire on video (and i don't own a video, but really, considering how slow CDs were to catch on, who really believed that DVD wouldn't be replaced entirely by something way more zazzy by now? like downloading straight to your compu... oh wait minute. Double Doh!)
But i'm hear to say that on the recommendation of a guest Derfwad and also the neice of our office admin manager - go and read TWILIGHT by Stephanie MEyer now if you have any interest in the subject of vampires or indeed finely crafted literature for young adults.
i spent about an hour and a half chatting teen lit with a fabulous staff member in WAterstones, NEw Row, just near Covent Garden, and it was great and revitalised me entirely. I'm already fantasising about sitting in my rocking chair with the next book in the trilogy, later this week when i get my ****ing esssays handed in. Tomorrow. ARe they finished? NO! eeeekkkk. BUt they're well on th way.
i'm about to pause for lunch. I'm going to let the turkish man down the street make it for me. Poached eggs on toast with mushrooms. I know i could do it myself easy peasy but i have to get out of this house and away from the computer at some point.
But anyway, there's my book choice for you.
Have finished Kate Mosse Sepulchre. Read it v quick. STill want to go to Carcassonne but just don't feel a totally connect with some of the elements that she's evoking.
hey ho. Back to connecting with service marketing.
if you can
when soooo much of it darn tooting intangible
Peace out
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