Tuesday, February 10, 2009

legs, mills & boon and womanizer

I have spent this evening on a lovely tea, yum yum and reading daft mills and boon that I feel oddly compelled to start writing and also had a quick gander at my mate's legs, when he's in drag playing in a cover's band.
He has muscular thighs that may get a full five minutes of thought later.

Other than that I've been trying to concentrate and it's not working.

And I keep sending rubbish mails, instead of saying any of the things I want to say. humph.

Back to thinking about those thighs, I think. It's the most productive thing I've done all day, bar sending my pregnant colleague out in the cold to fetch me a jacket potato with cheese and baked beans.

And so, a girl's thoughts turn to mellow vibes for all those doing job interviews tomorrow. Shine ladies, like the top of the Chrysler Building that you so obviously are.

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