Sunday, May 17, 2009

Awesome things that happened to me since Friday lunchtime

1. My train ticket turned out to be for first class
2. The train served Cusquena beer - Peru's lager!
3. Free sandwich, tea, fruit and muffin on said train
4. Lift from Nanny Moo so immediate basking in her company
5. Graham Coxon played a tiny venue where the whole audience 'got' him and the atmosphere was great.
6. He also wore fabulous shoes to do it, played amazingly, had charming banter and a nice blue stripey jumper.
7. Giessen Vier gathering. Always quality. Highlight: On Saturday, a redheaded burlesque lovely sang a song to me at a show and gave me a sailor hat. Her blond compadre then leapt onto my lap and stood on me, gyrating. Also, karaoke to Head Like a Hole by Nine Inch Nails and Enter Sandman by Metallica. Amazing photos of Nanny Moo being MArilyn Mansun singing Beautiful People too. You may have had to be there though.
8. I woke up on Sunday without at hangover AND with minimal endo pain.
9. My housemate cooked my tea while I lay in state watching Battlestar Galactica Season 4.

Too blooming marvellous.

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